Festival Gallery
2020 Virtual Festival Entrants Videos
Piano Entries
Liebeslied by Suk
The Little Senorita by Parke
Elegie by Rachmaninoff
Reverie by Debussy
Film Noir by Cormick & Jouer de Harpe by Sibelius
Holiday in Paris by Gillock
Sonata Pathetique by Beethoven
Strings Entries
Hungarian Dance by Brahms
The Two Grenadiers by Schumann
Concerto in A minor by Bach
Hungarian Stomp by Wedgewood
Hurdy Gurdy by Unknown
Passacaille by Handel
Elegie by Glazounov
Cello Concerto by Saint-Saens
Arioso by Bach
Apres un Reve by Faure
Allemande and Courante from Suite in D minor by Bach
It Ain’t Necessarily So by Gershwin
Winds Entries
In Ireland by Hamilton Harty
Allegro by W A Mozart
Air and Rondo by Handel
Concerto by Rimsky-Korsokov
The Mouse by Posegga
Sonata by Poulenc
Vocal Entries
Traum durch die Dammergrau by Strauss
In His Eyes by Bricusse & Wildhorn
Linden Lea by Vaughan Williams
The Lord Bless you and Keep you by John Rutter
My Defences are Down by Berlin
The Crocodile by Jenkyns
Where is Love by Lionel Bart
Speech & Drama Entries
I’m Not Ready by Watkinson
Did You Ever Play Tag With A Tiger by Jackson
Wildlife by Dixon
Natural Solutions to Climate Change by White
The Reading Mother by Gililan
e-mail: information.SMF@gmail.com
Web: www.suttonmusicfestival.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Sutton-Music-Festival-616423451739315/