Supporting SMF
Supporting the Sutton Music Festival
We would love you to support us
We are proud of our dedicated small team of volunteers working all year round to make sure that the event runs smoothly.
We are always grateful for any offers of help.
Help needed on Festival Days
The Festival relies upon many helpers. We could not function without them.
We would appreciate your support for:
Setting up at the venue
Checking in the performers and selling programmes at the door
Assisting officers/adjudicators at the venue
Setting up/serving the refreshments
Preparing cakes and sandwiches for the venue
We welcome any small help so if you can spare anytime during the festival why not join us?
Please contact for more information.
Why not become a Patron?
You can support the Festival by becoming a Patron. The membership enjoys free entry to all sessions and the Prizewinners’ Concert, and receives an invitation to attend our AGM in April. All this for £ 15 for an individual, £ 25 for a couple.
Please contact for more information.
Looking to advertise your business?
The Sutton Music Festival is a registered charity and we have been able to run the successful event for the past 88 years thanks to generous support from Arts Network Sutton, the HR Taylor Charitable Trust, the Bluthner Piano Centre and other valued sponsors.
You have an opportunity to advertise your company in our programme and display a poster at the venue during the festival. The majority of our entrants and audiences will be local to Sutton and we very much would love to support our local businesses. Your advertising helps us to maintain the running cost of the Festival.
Please contact for more information.
Would you like to sponsor us?
Sponsorship income is vital to help offset our costs. You can sponsor the whole Festival or specific classes. Or you can provide a cash prize or token for a specific class or group of classes. We value our sponsors and they are acknowledged in the programme and at the venue.
Please contact for more information.